Author: Jeff Komarow

  • Unity Virtual Production 5. Bring Video Into Unity through HDMI, SDI, Webcam, Android, or iPhone!

    This episode we are going to explore our first tutorial, setting up video feed into unity. As of now, We implement digital video into unity through code using the WebCamtexture. 

    I believe in future versions of Unity this process may become easier, but we may still do it this way by code because of how much control we have. 

    If you are new to coding, Don’t run away, I will help you here I will hold your hand through this. We do not need to do any abstract coding here, just follow and repeat the code.

    If you are coming from the filmmaking world like myself and you think coding is too much, think of it as just like making a video project: ten thousand little steps, we are going to go one by one and before you know it we will have done it. 

    Coding lets us explore options and ideas in the virtual world that is not possible from a program with a graphical user interface. We have to look at and manipulate raw information. 

    I learned how to do this from a tutorial by sloan kelly and he is extremely kind to give me his permission to revise this tutorial for you today. Here is a link to his channel, follow his socials and subscribe to his channel.

    The first step is we are going to have unity and our code editor of choice setup. If you are new to the series consider watching my unity starter tutorial here.

    To setup a camera feed into Unity we are going to need a capture card piece of hardware. Today thanks to overseas manufacturing and Amazon’s competitive dominance, you can get a capture card for as low as 15 bucks. This does really good 720p. Perfect for simple capture and using a camera you might already have as a webcam. Here is a step up to 1080p. We are going to use this. This device also solves a problem with a hdmi in and out. 

    This product costs about $35 dollars, it’s incredible because until now, this hardware was costing five times more. 

    To capture HD-SDI, there are two easy options: First, get a good capture card like the time tested blackmagic hdmi and SDI capture card. Problem solved. Secondly, you can try a SDI to HDMI converter.

    As of right now, the way to get video into Unity is webcam texture. We setup a webcam button, and an input switcher, and this tutorial is great because the button is built with context in mind. 

    The first step in this process is creating the object that unity will show the camera video on. Everything in Unity is an object. We make a 2 dimensional plane called a rawimage. Raw means that it will be a plane continually manipulated during runtime. We are now taking the camera of Unity and looking at the 2D image.

    In addition I have made my own little ideations. I have added a simple stopwatch in the corner. This is just for fun, it’s just an idea of what could be added as useful tools for a project. Where a new tool can be made from a few lines of code. 

    When you plug a USB camera option into the PC, and you run the program, Unity will automatically find the camera. This is the same way that we are going to find the camera on a mobile device, whether Android Smartphone or iPhone.

    This small line of code here is what Unity reads out as the active camera, 

    So, important things I want to cover here, I think this system will be replaced entirely in the near future with updates. There are many other workflows to consider for your project, one that we will implement in different situations is sending the video and the unity background and compositing them in a third party computer and system. If you separate operations by computers you can gain more flexibility and versioning, which could alleviate problems.

    So give this a shot, Play around with video inside of Unity. With this as the basis of our virtual operations, anything is possible after this. 

  • Magic Answers Dev Blog

    I am creating an application and documenting its development at the same time. The app is similar to the magic 8 ball, except this time its magical and there are 50 randomly chosen responses!

    What inspired me to do this project is a tutorial on YouTube by Sloan Kelly: From there I found a tutorial about a really simple way to code the main answer function of the application: Then I saw a website that had a database of answers:, and thought that would be a great project to take advantage of Unity, Cinema 4D, and Online Databases.

    Watch Here:

    To be continued…

  • Unity Virtual Production 4. Tour of Unity 3D Software

    This tutorial is designed for anyone to quickly learn the main buttons and workspaces in Unity.

    Let’s take a look inside of Unity 3D Software and talk about how we interact with this interface.

    First off, similar to other cloud software like adobe, we have a manager for the versions of the software. So step one is to download Unity Hub. Once installed go to Add and add the latest build of Unity. The choices you see here are for the device you want the project to play on, you have android, IOS, WebGL, Xbox, Ect. 

    The main screen of your project is Project. The Hierarchy is where you stage your game objects. The Inspector is where you edit your game objects and other settings. The Scene is where your objects are viewable in 3D space, and lastly Game is where you can view through the virtual camera!

    Inside of unity is an animator, recorder, sprite editor, render pipelines, and more. 

    It is intuitive to figure out how to move the camera around. 

    There are other windows that are important to bring up. Go to window > and add a window like the Console, when you make an error, this will inform you and tell you what you did wrong in your code, smart troubleshooting!

    Instead of giving everyone a copy of Unity with EVERY single feature, they break the program up into downloadable packages. Its found in the Package Manager You just Install what you need without wasting space.

    When you are building your project for exporting out of Unity, you use this screen Build Settings, here is the scene that you choose to build, there can he a hierarchy structure for large projects here. There are many additional settings for your projects you can adjust.

    You can change the layout of Unity easily by pressing the top right corner, the three dots.

    Now let me explain how Unity files work. A unity Project inside a folder, is a collection of files and folders. The main one you look for is assets, inside is where we store folders for fonts, animations, backgrounds, objects, scripts.

    Looking at an untouched scene has these objects in it. A light and a camera. 

    Now- what do we do with Unity?!

    There is a lot we can do with Unity!

    It is based around objects, everything is an object. 

    We create a basic empty object by right clicking ,create, empty object.

    In the inspector we are able to control the objects. 

    We can control the objects by adding components here. There are different built in components. You can easily save components where you tweaked the settings to your liking as a preset

    We control objects using scripts. Simple as that.

    You can drag a script onto an object or go to add component and create a new one.

    Open up the scrip in Visual Studio Community or Visual Studio Code these code editors have compatibility with Unity and things that make it much more enjoyable to code with. 

    A blank c# script can be easily generated in Unity. At the top is what groups of code are needed to reference for the script to work.

    If you are using the System in unity in a script, you need to add

    using UnityEngine.System to the top of the script.

    Next section is start, this is what is called when we start the script. Then is void update, this is what happens or updates every frame. So if we are at 60 frames per second, Whatever code is right here, is UPDATING 60 times per second.

    Now here is how the magic works. We go above the start of a script, right here we are going to create a reference to a GameObject, and we call it this, and this semicolon initiates the line of code.

    We will now Control-S to save the script in VS code. 

    Now, using Alt-Tab or CommandTab, switch over to Unity.

    Unity will Automatically sense that the file in the project folder was changed, and will refresh or recompile the project for you! 

    So we see here that the script is different and we can now go over to this object and drag it in the place holder. We are assigning an object in the inspector. This is a key foundation of Unity. 

    Going back to The script, we are going to now be able to manipulate this object with code! How cool is that? 

    We can get different components of Objects and control it with code. We can make Objects appear or disappear.

    There is an incredible amount of functionality building up in this program. This is a preliminary walkthrough to get your familiarized with the look of the system and how things can come together.

    I hope you learned a lot from this first walkthrough, as in the next episode we are diving in and doing our first project together! See you there.

  • Unity Virtual Production 3. Controlling The Lens In The Real and Virtual World

    Unity virtual production episode 3 is all about controlling the lens! Its one of my favorite topics to discuss because there is so much to it! Lenses shape our cinematography, and I make some observations about how technology is going to change our visual language and lenses will be a huge forefront of this evolution.

  • Unity Virtual Production 2. What is Virtual Production

    Lets talk about the meaning of Virtual Production! What would you define VP? What techniques make up the contemporary meaning.

  • Unity Virtual Production 1. Choosing Unity and First Impressions

    Virtual Production is new and exciting and we can learn about it together with the power of free software! Unreal and Unity are two video game engines that enable us to facilitate virtual production. I have been drawn to using Unity because of its interface and cool C# coding. Both programs can complete the same tasks, however the Industry has wholeheartedly accepted Unreal Engine as the standard. As Virtual Production itself is extremely new (I would argue James Cameron’s “Avatar” of 2009 as one of the first full fledged virtual productions using incredible virtual camera techniques). I believe that unity will transform into a powerhouse as things develop, and good competition is only good for us.

    This tutorial series is going to be extremely grounded to earth, we are going to start as simple as possible and work our way up to photorealistic video! Today’s technology and smartphone enable us to do incredible things with the tools right in front of us!

    Please subscribe for more, follow me on my website and Twitter, thank you for your support!

  • I Made A Video Game

    I have created a video game! 

    Introducing…… OCTOWUSS!!!

    Octowuss might not seem like a hero, but deep down inside he is the most courageous octopus in the ocean.  

  • Jeff’s Watchlist: The Wrong Man (1956)

    Jeff’s Watchlist: The Wrong Man (1956)


    The Wrong Man is a 1956 film by Alfred Hitchcock. It is the only time that Hitchcock spoke in any of his films. 

    From the opening credits, we learn that a real Detective and District Attorney consulted on this film, and that it was based on a true story. So when the events unfold, you are drawn in because this must be what actually happened. And this must be what it’s like to be put up by the police. 

    This retro Warner Bros. Logo in front of a party still looks awesome today.

    The cinematography completely carries this film coupled with the insanely well executed editing. I think this is why I have the patience to sit down and watch a 64 year old movie, because the viewer’s eyes are treated with respect. 

    Here is a fantastic article from the legendary Guy Hamilton: “Film directors must be gentle to the viewer’s eye”

    The camera eases us gently into the story and is not jarring. Then- when you are finally comfortable- the editing creates the intensity and suspense! The fast cutting in the jail cell when our main character Manny Balestrero (Henry Fonda) is finally booked, it’s just terrifying. 

    The eyelines, the double takes, the first person views, all incredible use of the camera.

    Vera Miles as Rose knocks it out of the park with her acting. Miles and Fonda’s scenes feel totally real, this is a black and white film on the edge of the explosion of filmmaking that was the 60’s, I would say this is really incredible acting. 

    Frank O’Connor (Anthony Quayle) as the defense attorney was great, the whole cast including the ladies at the insurance company played great.

    According to IMDb this is the only time Fonda and Hitchcock collaborated, and they really did incredible work making these characters. Only for one moment- when he says his age is 38- did I feel it was a bit unreal. The choke-hold at the end was a bit tame in the action department, but overall I’m watching a movie of its time. Its a movie of its time but that doesn’t hold it back at all! It makes it more authentic. 

    There are many universal truths in this film, no one wants to be wrongly accused. I can’t imagine how horrifying it must have been to watch this film when it was just released!

  • Fixing An Old MacBook Pro & How To Install A SSD

    Fixing An Old MacBook Pro & How To Install A SSD

    I have revived my old MacBook Pro from the grave! After doing some housecleaning I decided to try upgrading the internal hard drive to a Solid State Drive. Here is the video:


    I first got this computer in 2010 from going to university at Full Sail University. It was over $2K for this computer and software. Three years later I would upgrade to a retina macbook which I still use today, so it is true some MacBooks are better than others.


    I edited this entire video on my laptop with premiere pro except for the graph motion graphic that I decided to make in Cinema 4D on my PC. There is no way this Mac would have handled it. Here is the graph: 

    SSD Speeds Graph#motiongraphics #render #cinema4d #animation #C4D #graphicdesign #design #motiondesign #graph #linegraph #premierepro

    — Jeff Komarow (@JeffKomarow) August 19, 2020

    The one thing about editing the video on the mac was, it took a lot longer than on a faster computer, and the color of the overhead shots are not my favorite. It was harder to gauge the color correction on the older screen. I seriously contemplated taking down the video and re-doing the color correction, but I just had to call it finished, it had taken overnight maybe 8 hours to render!

    All in all, it was a fun project and It’s a good computer to take on trips where it might get damaged or stolen. 

    Unfortunately for new Macs, it seems like its worth waiting till they make significant improvements with the new silicone and power, otherwise I may be building another PC. The price of a new Mac is $2000-8000 for a strong machine, but for $1500 I can build a really great PC. We shall see what Mac comes out with next year.

  • Steely Dan Top 10 Songs Of All Time

    Steely Dan Top 10 Songs Of All Time

          Steely Dan is one of my favorite bands, it wasn’t always like that. As a teenager I despised when my Mom’s iPod played “My Old School” I though it was dated, contrived, yawn inducing.

    Jumping ten years into the future 2014, I am living in Los Angeles, which has become the capital of music, and I meet a lot of music people. 

    One person I met who was older had an infinity for Steely Dan. Supposedly, he knew at least one of the members personally. Well having a distaste for Steely Dan, all I could think was, how could this guy enjoy this band so much!?


    I loved hearing his life story, and it made me want to open my horizons to this band. I went on my music streaming service and listened to most of the songs over months. I believe I was using amazon music at the time (Side note- amazon music was trash in 2014. The songs would have skipping playback errors! And it would delete my playlists!)  

    I have never wrote a ranking list like this before, and thought it would be fun to do it for a band that I have listened to so many of their songs that may not be as noticed. This is a top 10 list I have written after listening to every Steely Dan Song in June/July 2020. Here we go:


    Steely Dan Top Ten Songs:

    1.  Kid Charlemagne  – this is my favorite song period. it tells a story and its nonstop catchy awesomeness.
    2. Reelin’ In The Years – Nothing to say but epic.
    3. Do it Again – Classic instantly recognizable hit.
    4. Deacon Blues -Its so good.
    5. Peg -Another hit.
    6. The Caves Of Altamira – The more I listen the better it gets.
    7. Midnite Cruiser – Its a really dope song but the lyrics are fine. at the time it must have been huge.
    8. Bad Sneakers – This is a true Steely Dan original hit.
    9. Brooklyn (Owes The Charmer Under Me) – Solid. Slower song that fits perfectly in the album.
    10. Kings – Its a fine song however at first I feel the melody isn’t enjoyable enough, the theme and lyrics didn’t interest me. After more listens I enjoy the melody’s sharp hits. The guitar solo goes crazy, it gets better and better after repeated listening.


    You may be asking, why isn’t x in your top 10, its a Steely Dan hit!. Well I left a couple of their top songs out of the running, such as Dirty Work. Well the reason is this list is my top ten, right now in 2020. I have listened to these songs so many times they have lost their luster me and that is a factor in my decision making. I have listened to Kid Charlemagne about 500 times and it just never gets old to me!


    As I am writing this, Kid Charlemagne is my favorite song of all time. It hasn’t always been my favorite song, but after my studies it became my favorite. The guitar solo is my favorite. I don’t know why its my favorite sometimes but I can listen to it over and over again, ask my wife how much I annoy her by listening to the same songs on repeat! I think it’s a beautiful thing in the world of music that, somehow I still want to keep listening to this music like its comforting to my brain to go over the same song neural pathways.

    I am at awe that on Spotify Kid Charlemagne is not in the top played! How is this possible? Also, how many people around the world have physical copies of Steely Dan music and love that album? It must be a huge number.


    I’ve grown up listening to the music of my parents. The 60’s to the 80’s. James Taylor, Carol King, Simon and Garfunkel, Harry Chapin, these musicians shaped my musical world and is what I love to listen to today. Spotify says my favorite genre is actually “retro pop”. Which means I like modern day bands that make new music that sounds like the past, or is it something new and revised?


    And why am I writing this now? why because I have the time to listen to all of this music. I have listened to a lot of music while working from home. If I am doing almost anything work or art or games or activities I want to have music on in the background.


    Looking at how many of my top songs are from their first album, its interesting to see how they developed their signature sound and style from the beginning, its truly impressive, some musical acts take a moment before they find their groove where Steely Dan started with a BANG! They have stayed true to their form and deserve their spot as one of the greatest bands of all time, at least in my view! Thanks for reading!



    *Disclaimer. All of my writing is for fun, as a hobby. I am not a music critic.

    **Disclaimer 2. This is my Point Of View. I have generational bias because I am a Millennial, right? I am writing this at 28 years old. Steely Dan has a profound effect on music culture, so their sounds have been copied and contrived by many other acts and I have to remember that they were some of the first musical acts to innovate in rock and blues.